Testing Phase
We take great pride in providing our customers the ultimate product. Therefore, we employ only the most reliable construction techniques and durable materials, to ensure that the product will last for decades. Our testing phase encompasses all aspects of manufacturing from basic materials quality to final acoustic and mechanical evaluation.

Made in Denmark
All ZenSati cables are manufactured and handcrafted at our production facility located in Northern Denmark. To ensure the utmost precision and highest quality, all ZenSati cables are subjected to rigorous control and acoustic and mechanical testing prior to shipping.

phase response,
lightning-fast transient response
and harmonic integrity
Ideation and Testing
In the development of a new cable line, testing is a key word. A fantastic idea can vary from theory to practice. That is why all our cables undergo a comprehensive testing phase, to ensure only the best final product. All ZenSati cables employ a proprietary contact adhesion technique for the best possible conductance. A panel of audiophiles and musicians, beta-test the cable lines during development with phase response, lightning-fast transient response and harmonic integrity as the key sonic priorities. In addition, we have tested our cable solutions using the following products with great results:
Acoustic Arts, Audio Research, Avalon, BMC, Chario, CH Precision, Cord Electronic, Dan D’Agustino, Daniel Hertz, DartZel, Dynaudio, EAT, Electrocompaniet, Esoteric, Evolution Acoustics, Gamut, Gato, Goldmund, JBL, KEF, Klipsch, Krell, Krell Evolution, Lamm, Macintosh, Magnepan, Marantz, Mark Levinson, Magico, MBL, Meridian, Montana, Moon, Oceanway Audio, Onkyo, PBN Audio, Penaudio, Perfect 8 Technology, PrimaLuna, Raido, Rockport, Soulution, Sonus Faber, SurrounTec, Sutherland, Stenheim, TAD, Technical Brain, VAC, Vitus Audio, Viola Audio Laboratories, Von Schweikert Audio, Wilson Audio, Wilson Benesch, Wisdom Audio, Ypsilon, Vivid Audio.

The production is placed in Denmark
ZenSati ApS, Bomose Allé 9, 3200 Helsinge, Denmark
Watch our production video